[Emergency Maintenance] NWH DC Rack D9

Friday, 26 March 15 minutes

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Our London Datacentre NWH has made us aware that their A Side PDU in our D9 Rack has occured a minor fault.

We have taken the decision before this becomes critical to dispatch an engineer to oversee a complete replacement of the A-Side PDU.

This will have no affect on services as all our systems run on dual A+B Power.

As such during the change all systems will be safely switched to their Backup PSUs.

We will undertake this work between 9:30PM and 9:45PM.

Although we foresee no services will be affected we do classify this as "At-Risk" and as such our NOC will be monitoring all sensors to ensure continuity of service.

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