[Emergency Maintenance] THN-LON01-A

Thursday, 27 October 3 hours

The maintenance is now complete. Thanks for your patience.


The scheduled maintenance is now underway. We'll keep you updated on our progress.


Our dark fibre provider between LON01 and THN has detected a fault on a splice joint.

We have taken the decision to allow the provider to proactively re-join the cable so that we can protect our stability.

Due to the nature of our network the distruption will be minimalised by completing a manual route change to THN-LON01-B

We expect a brief distruption at the start of this Maintenance why traffic is re-routed although we expect no distruptions for the remainder of the maintenance window.

Due to the nature of the work we will class any services 'at-risk' during the window.

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Affected components
  • Core Infrastructure
    • IP Network
      • NWE Network
      • THN Network